Donut Selfie Tutorial
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Donut selfie tutorial. But honestly we are pretty sure that this doughnut donut selfie from our Yahoo friends in Canada has probably already won the donut selfie. The up-and-coming donut selfie pioneered by Karen X. A Donut Selfie is a video technique developed by Karen X.
Heres a three-part tutorial Karen. Karenxcheng Produced and Directed by. Selfies are cool for a long time now but heres something new which has just arrived that make selfies look much more cooler better known as Donut Selfie.
Tentu kita semua sudah tahu dengan yang namanya selfie. I dont post on YouTube much anymore follow me on Instagram instead. A donut selfie is an interesting take on the video selfie that uses a panoramic technique to create a perpetual seamless selfie across multiple locations.
WTF Is a Donut Selfie. Selfie ternyata sudah usang sebab kini ada cara baru yang asyik dalam berselfie yaitu donut selfie 360 derajat. It is a 360-degree video selfie taken on your phone camera.
Kalau biasanya foto selfie nah yang ini adalah dalam bentuk video selfie. Alhamdulillah Hot Thread pertamax ane 10112014. Why You Should Meal Prep How To Meal Prep and Other Meal Prep Tips.
Cheng where a person records video of themselves while moving their smartphone in a circular donut motion from one side of their head to the other. Cheng came up with the idea of Donut Selfie while playing around with camera angles to produce optical illusions. Heres what it is.
Learning the Basics E-Book. I dont post on YouTube much anymore follow me on Instagram instead. Hn Selamat siang agansis semuanya ane pengen ngasi info buat agansis yang doyan banget selfie-an ketika di suatu tempat yang bagus ataupun yang jelek capedes.
Cheng is about to take the travel world by storm. Donut selfie atau selfie donat yang unik ini kini mulai ramai dilakukan dan diunggah ke media sosial. Karenxcheng Get a wide-angle lens for your phone as seen in the video.
Gaya baru selfie ini sangat unik. Tips To Help You Meal Prep For the Week Successfully. At least that is what I predict.
Videos taken this way can then be edited together in a series. Teknik ini sangat keren klo agansis liat video jadinya. Assalamualaikum wr wb Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Insha Allah ga repost.
Sederhananya donut selfie adalah merekam diri dan lingkungan di sekeliling dalam satu waktu dengan gerakan melingkar. Selfies just went 360 people. To make sure everyone crafts their donut selfie correctly Karen has even set up a website where you can find tutorials and examples of the perfect donut selfie.
This donut selfie is a time-lapse video selfie that combines short clips from various locations into a single seamless masterpiece. Cara tutorial tips dan trik. But Cheng has since been busy with her new donut selfie project and has even created a website to feature tutorial videos and user submissions of their own donut selfie compilations.
Bagi yang suka selfie perkenalkan nih model selfie terbaru namanya donut selfie. Apa itu donut selfie. I dont post on YouTube much anymore follow me on Instagram instead.
But follow Karens tutorial below where she explains the dos and donts as although its simple its slightly more technical than it seems to achieve perfection. Well nearlyMeet the donut move a video selfie technique thats trending in California. Donut selfie unik.
The Donut Selfie actually looks pretty cool for what its worth and if youre interested in having a go at it here is not only a basic tutorial but an advanced tutorial too.
A Donut Selfie Is A Video Technique Developed By Karen X Cheng Where A Person Records Video Of Themselves While Movi Selfie Tutorial Selfie Blog Photography
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